Welcome. This is a continuation of another page, called Light Pumping & Light Bubble UFO/UAP Propulsion For Those Interested In 'The Five Utterly Predictables'.
You may want to start over there to put this all in context. That one connects back even further.
Altogether, there are five earlier "images" pages now at this point, going back to 2016.
So look at all of them, is my advice.
- Bryan Kelly
Welcome to the Tic Tac UFO/UAP animated GIF-making frenzy page. I had been wanting to put them into animated 720-degree moving photon shapes for quite some time and finally did so. Or should I say, overdid so. This visually represents my idea of the pumping, recirculating light bubbles which might be used to float these objects. Changing the bubble shape, from spherical to ovals and egg-shapes, causes them to move up-down, left-right etc., in my opinion, of course. Though these things are considered probably non-human by many with far more knowledge than I have, I say that there is no reason we can not compete using the concepts I have laid out on these pages and elsewhere.
The images have rollover descriptions. Also, a few are flashy and jumpy, so be prepared to scroll quickly if that is a problem for you.
Click on the images to be led to more pages with further information on the light-pumping concept.
Untold trillions of photons acting as one...
...to mitigate the effect of gravity and inertia on the enmeshed massive object.
Simply mimicking how light frees atoms and molecules from gravity and inertia by what are called "phases" or "energy levels".
Idiot proof? Falsifiable but unfalsified? Too good to be true? I say "Yes".
Nature "scaled" or "writ large", is the basic concept...
...and it ain't rocket science, folks. It's easier.
The next one has to do with alleged crashed UFO debris consisting of a metamaterial comprising a terahertz waveguide. The possible reason for that is shown on the image and described on a Twitter Moment that will open in a new tab if you click on it.
"Phi Over Ro" is the simplest "equation", if you must have one, that explains the general principle at work here. "Radiant flux per mass density" is the English. Simply put, it describes how much light can you move and how quickly you can do it, through the least dense material you can build with. "What's the ro on that one, bro?", will be a question oft repeated on future used flying car lots. Count on it.
Thanks for visiting!